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< Bundesjugendspiele
25.July 09:23 Age: 6 yrs

Annual sport event

at 8am

On the 25th of July, all students will meet between 7:45am and 8am on the BTS-sports ground (Am Mühlgraben, 95445 Bayreuth) in order to absolve the annual sport event for schools.
Please notice that there is no supervision by teachers before 7:45am. The children coming by bus shuttle will be transported directly to the BTS-Sports ground. The students from the early morning childcare will be brought to the sports ground by our school bus.

The event is a sport event which is initiated by the German Federal President and held annually at German schools and foreign schools. The students are expected to perform as well as possible in certain disciplines (swimming, athletic sports, gymnastics). We will participate in the sport event for schools in the discipline track and field in the form of a triathlon (throwing, running and jumping).

The achieved performances will be scored with points from standardized charts. Depending on the number of points achieved, participation certificates, winner’s certificates and honorary certificates will be handed out.

On this day, please bring your child to the BTS-sports ground at 7:45am and by 8am at the latest. Please equip the children with enough drinks. After the event, the children will be brought back to the palace with a bus and can be picked up as usual after the school finishes. The afternoon care will take place as usual, too. If it rains on that day, the sports event will be cancelled and lessons will be held in the palace as usual. At high temperatures, we ask all parents to check their emails at 9:30am for a possible early ending of school on account of excessively hot weather.