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< Weihnachtsfeier
10.December 13:39 Age: 9 yrs

Christmas party

begins at 5PM

This year’s Christmas party takes place on 10th of December. At 5PM. all students with their parents and relatives will meet up at our festively decorated domed hall of our palace. During school hours, as well as afternoon care time, our students have prepared a varied program for this evening.
Just as last year, there will be a buffet afterwards which will be prepared by the parents. We would be happy if some more dishes were contributed. For that, please enter your name on sign up list on doodle.
Children that are not signed up for the afternoon care are still welcome to stay at school until the Christmas party begins.
Since the Christmas party is a school event, absence of any child is only possible with a valid reason and to be excused in writing.
Please return the section below with the number of participants by latest 12/04 to the respective class teacher so that we can plan ahead. We thank you for your help.
This year, there will be no reading night after our Christmas party, instead the reading night will be offered during a warmer season of our school year.