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Thiergarten Palace
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< Erster Schultag
14.September 08:02 Age: 3 yrs

First school day

Lessons start at 8am

On the first day of school at 10:00 a.m., we welcome the new school starters together with their parents at our school. After a small welcome ceremony, the children can move into their new classroom together with their class teacher and say goodbye to their parents.
Mrs. Heinz (private school principal) and Ms. Erath (head of the afternoon care) are then available to the parents for questions before they can enjoy a few hours of "free time" at home. At 11:30 a.m., all students will have lunch together and from 2:00 p.m., all school starters who are not registered for afternoon care for that day can be picked up.
Your child will need their school bag, pencil case with scissors and glue stick and their school bag for this day. Students will then receive their required notebooks, folders and textbooks from their classroom teacher in the coming school days.

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