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< Schulschluss
14.October 10:44 Age: 2 yrs

school circus performance

at 5pm

On the day of the circus performance, Friday, Oct. 14, 2022, the students will have classes in the 1st/2nd lesson hours. The children can be picked up at 12 pm after lunch. Afterwards they will have dress rehearsal. The 5th / 6th lesson hours wont take place. Childcare is also offered until 2 pm.

Please send your registrations for childcare until 2 pm to: 

erath.s@pgs.arche-twi.com; phone: 0173 / 396 94 92.     

This information is needed for the organization.

The afternoon care will also take place as usual.

·         The performance is Friday, October 14, 2022 at 5pm.

·         All students will have to meet at 4:30 pm in order to prepare for the performance.

Please let us know how many people you will be attending the event with that evening. For each family (siblings) we have reserved 4 seats for the moment.

You will need tickets for the performance, which we sell in advance:

®     The ticket for one adult costs 10 euros,

®     Students will have to pay 5 euros.

For the binding seat reservation please fill out the attached section by

Monday, 10/10/2022 and enclose the appropriate amount in an envelope. You can then hand it in at the secretary's office and your child will receive the tickets back in the same envelope.

If you require more than 4 seats for your family, we will put this on the waiting list. From 10/13 you will be notified if and how many of the additional seats can be made available to you. These additional tickets can be paid for on the Friday before the event at the entrance.

We ask for your understanding for this procedure, but we would like to make it possible for all children to bring their relatives and friends with them to the circus.

If we do not receive an envelope from you by Monday, 10/10/2022, we will release these seats.

On the evening of the performance we will sell warm wiener and pretzel sticks. Again, we ask you to include the desired number in the attached section and place the money appropriately in the envelope together with the ticket fee.

g Our own students do not need a ticket, they are the stars of the evening h


We would like to thank the support association in advance for their financial support of the circus project. This made it possible to significantly reduce the costs per child. Once again, we ask all parents to join the support association so that we can continue to offer such large projects to our students at a lower cost in the future.