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< Waldrundgang mit Förster
25.July 10:52 Age: 5 yrs

Trip through the forest

3rd grade

In July we will walk together with a ranger through the neighboring forest near our school. In the course of the hike, various topics from the Science lessons will be taken up and further deepened in the form of games on the real object. For the 2nd grade, this will take place on 18th of July, for the 3rd grade on the 25th of July.

On this day, please remember to dress your child with suitable clothing for the forest. The students will also be wandering outside the paths. (Long pair of pants, longs sleeves, sturdy shoes – Please do not let them wear sandals. Provide your child with insect and tick protection. Please also apply that protection on your child`s clothing, shoes, pants and sleeves. If necessary, please provide your child with a rain jacket or sun protection, a backpack and some sandwiches with enough to drink) Lunch will take place as usual.

On these days, the 5th and 6th lesson hours will take place as usual.